Saturday, January 31, 2009

Crossword Puzzles

When I want to relax or take a different approach to a problem, I like to do crosswords. Crosswords have been around almost 100 years (The first one appeared in 1913).The history of crosswords can be found at These games merge geometry (horizontal and vertical squares) with word play. They appear in newspapers, books, magazines, and on the Internet. I like to do mine in a book. I am on crossword 905 of the New York Times Ultimate Crossword Omnibus. There are 1001 puzzles.

For crossword enthusiasts, I recommend The Million Word Crossword Dictionary by Stanley Newman and Daniel Stark. Clues and potential answers appear in well organized lists. It is definitely a help when doing some tough puzzles.

For those who are looking for Crosswords and related crossword information on the Internet, I recommend . In addition to links to a wide variety of puzzles, there are news articles, blogs, and links to solving tools. If you are learning or practicing another language, there are non-English crossword puzzles available to you.

Speaking of Crossword puzzles, one is calling my muse. I see 37 down is Priggish pronouncements. Finding a word to describe this will take some more thought. I leave you to return a bit more relaxed, a hero that has tackled one more crossword puzzle.

Friday, January 30, 2009

What is Michelle's muses from Mnemosyne

I am an information professional who has a great knack and memory for working with facts. I use this strong skill set among others in my decision support and quality assurance work. In my last position, I obtained the highest defect average, in part, by using my memory to match specifications to product behavior. I then effectively communicated the issues to my project managers in a timely manner. Due to my contributions, the software developer turned out high quality software products in a timely manner.

How does this tie into Mnemosyne?

Mnemosyne is the Greek goddess of memory with great reasoning powers, . Her daughters are the Muses. Her skills resonates with me. So, I will use this blog to muse about information resources based on a wide range of interests. I am hoping this blog will be a resource to people looking for factual information to meet their goals.